〖全自动高频组装机 准确组框机QLZK-2500】
价 格 120000.00元/台
所 在 地 河北 石家庄
发布日期 2021-04-25 16:25:54
High frequency precision framer
High-frequency precision framer is suitable for: assembling cabinet door, wardrobe door, photo frame, picture frame, drawer, furniture door and window and other frames with 45 degree and 90 degree, regardless of rabbet and without a need for nailing.
1, High efficiency. High-frequency heating is fast. It just takes 10-20 seconds to cure the glue. High-frequency heating delivers high production efficiency, and can accomplish flow process.
2, Precision. The device uses the precision linear guide rail and ball screw, and uses the servo motor to ensure product accuracy.
3, Convenience. The device adopts touch screen operation interface and achieves PLC automatic control. It allows users to quickly set the processing size and user parameters and automatically position. It is precise and convenient.
4, Door frame with a shape of " buckle " or arranged as a pattern of " three piled-up rectangles " can be machinable.
型号 Model | QLZK-1200×800 | QLZK-2000×800 | QLZK-2500×800 | QLZK-2800×1000 | QLZK-3400×1200 | |
电源 Power | AC380V,50hz,3 phase four wire | |||||
较大加工尺寸 Max working size(mm) | 1200(L)×800(W) | 2000(L)×800(W) | 2500(L)×800(W) | 2800(L)×1000(W) | 3400(L)×1200(W) | |
较小加工尺寸 Min working size(mm) | 80(L)×80(W) | 130(L)×130(W) | 200(L)×200(W) | 200(L)×200(W) | 200(L)×200(W) | |
驱动方式 Mechanical type | 准确滚珠丝杠 Precision ball | |||||
电机方式 Motor type | 伺服电机 Servo motor | |||||
外型尺寸 Overall Size(mm) | 2000(L)×1200(w)×1800(H) | 2800(L)×1200(w)×1800(H) | 3400(L)×1200(w)×1800(H) | 3600(L)×1400(w)×1800(H) | 4200(L)×1600(w)×1800(H) |
Note: The companys products continue upgrading. The actual manufacturing prevails!
组装机是将电脑配件(如CPU、主板、内存、硬盘、显卡、光驱、机箱、电源、键盘鼠标、显示器等) 组装到一起的电脑。组装机可以根据需要自行购买硬件,也可以到配件市场组装,根据用户要求,随意搭配,性价比高。
注册号: | 911301243363162283 |
组织机构代码: | 33631622-8 |
税务登记证号: | 911301243363162283 |
法定代表人: | 程存伟 |
经营状态: | 开业 |
成立日期: | 2015-05-28 |
营业期限: | 2015-05-28 至 2035-05-27 |
年检日期: | 2017-06-16 |
注册资本: | 100万(元) |
企业类型: | 有限责任公司(自然人独资) |
机构类型: | 企业法人 |
所属行业: | 通用设备制造业 |
行政区划: | 河北省石家庄市栾城区 |
电话号码: | 15081885840 |
登记机关: | 栾城区工商行政管理局 |
所在地址: | 石家庄市栾城区于底村村东东边第一条街 |
经营范围: | 机械设备、电子产品、五金产品的生产、开发、销售;机械设备的安装及维修;自营和代理国内各类商品及技术的进出口业务;设计制作代理国内广告业务,发布国内户外广告业务。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) |