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乐视供应商讨债 a型血和b型血生的孩子是什么血型 供应商关系管理

价 格 ¥18000.00

所 在 地 湖南省 长沙市

发布日期 2020-05-27 13:43:59









Chaton brand BT-2012 type of cement-based capillary crystalline waterproof coating
Execution standard: JC/T894-2003
  Chaton brand BT - 2012 type of cement-based capillary crystalline waterproof coating its main silicate cement, quality quartz sand, and special active chemical materials, for gray powder materials.
  BT - 2012 type waterproof coating its water-proof mechanism shows that taking water as the carrier, by conduction of the water, depending on the powerful infiltration in concrete microporous and capillary in transmission and filling, occurred materialized reaction, forming insoluble water-resistant branch shape crystals. The crystal and concrete combine into the closed to block the waterproof layer of whole from any direction of water flow and other liquids erosion. To get a lasting water-proof and corrosion-resistant purpose, and protective of the reinforced concrete structure, strengthen the intensity of the role.
A, characteristics 
1 、在混凝土界面涂刷两层该材料,即可承受 1.2MPa 以上的水压力。
1 and in concrete interfacial besmear two layers of the material, can withstand 1.2 MPa above the water pressure.
2 、在混凝土界面涂刷该材料所产生的物化反应渗透到混凝土内部,渗透深度可达 100mm 以上。
2, in concrete interfacial besmear brushs the materials produced by the materialization of reaction of concrete, permeate the permeating depth can reach 100mm above. 
3 、在混凝土界面涂刷该材料的形成的不溶于水的枝蔓状结晶体,将缝隙密实,堵塞渗透水路,小于 0.4mm 的混凝土裂缝都可填补与自我修复。
3, in concrete interfacial besmear brushs the material form of insoluble water-resistant branch shape crystals, will crack close-grained, jams penetration waterways, less than 0.4 mm of concrete cracks can fill with self-repair. 
4 、可确保在 PH 值 3.0~11.0 ,温度 -30 ℃ ~ 120 ℃的情况下保持超强的防水效果,并能保护钢筋及提高混凝土强度。
4, to ensure the PH value of 3.0 ~ 11.0, temperature - 30 ℃ ~ 120 ℃ circumstances keep super waterproof effect, and can protect the reinforcing steel bar and enhance the strength of concrete. 
5 、与其它材料兼容性好,其防水层表面可随意涂刷水泥砂浆、白灰膏、油漆、树脂涂料等材料。
5, good compatibility with other materials, the waterproof layer surface optional coating of cement mortar and white **iGao, paint, resin coating materials. 
6 、施工方法简便,省工省力。对混凝土界面不需做找平层,涂刷后无需做保护层。
6, construction method is simple, save work effort. For concrete interfacial need not do screed-coat, after besmear need not make coats.
Second, scope of
  Subway, basement, reservoir, cooling tower, dam, tunnel, roof plaza, parking platform, elevator pit, swimming pool, food storeroom, drainage pool, bridge structure, aquaria,, highway, airport, parking apron, oil pool, playground, concrete road and toilet.
  BT - 2012 type of cement-based capillary crystalline waterproof coating is a kind of contains special active substances gray powder materials, the besmear brushs in concrete surface, when the presence of water, active substance penetrated into concrete, and the pore and cracks generated insoluble in water stability of crystals, jams ooze water channel, improving the concrete of penetration-proof quality.
  When concrete dehydrate is dry, active substances dormant, once have water infiltration, active substance continue to react to generate a new crystallization. Besmear after capillary crystalline waterproof material concrete with self-repair function, its waterproof ability **st for a long time.
  In the series waterproof product, thickener is chemical activity, the strongest one. This light gray attune, add water after powder can be used as the ground or underground concrete pulpous state coating, can also be used as a double coatings of first floor coating. Mainly used for seepage control, moistureproof, this product can be adjusted half dry shape material group, used for structure joints plugging, repair the fissure, structure joints defects and honeycomb pits shape structure. 
Application guide
  不能在雨中或环境温度低于 4℃时使用。
  Not in the rain or environmental temperature below 4 ℃ when used.
  Due to paint in concrete crystals form process the premise condition needs moist. So no matter old or new pouring the concrete, all want to use water soak, but can"t have MingS**i.
  新浇的混凝土表面在浇筑 20 小时后方可使用。
  New pouring the concrete surface in casting 20 hours rear can use.
  混凝土浇筑后的 24-72 小时为使用涂料的**时段,因为新浇的混凝土仍然潮湿,所以基面仅需少量的预喷水。
  Concrete pouring 24-72 hours for the use of coating the perfect time, because new poured concrete still damp, so the yankees face only a few precalcining spraying.
  混凝土基面应当粗糙、干净 , 以提供充分开放的毛细管系统以利于渗透。所以对于使用钢模或表面有反碱、尘土、各种涂料、薄膜、油漆及油污或者其它外来物都必须进行处理,要用凿击、喷砂、酸洗(盐酸)、钢丝刷刷洗、高压水冲等。(如使用盐酸腐蚀法,必须先用水打湿。酸处理后表面应用水彻底冲净)。结构表面如有缺陷、裂缝、蜂窝麻面均应修凿、清理。
  Concrete base surface should be clean, in order to provide rough, fully open capillary system favors penetration. So for the use of steel or surface has anti alkali, dust, paint, thin films, paint and oil or other foreign material must undergo processing, want to use gouge, sandblasting, pickling (hydrochloric acid), steel wire brush to wash, and high pressure water blunt, etc. (such as use hydrochloric acid corrosion method, one must first wet. Acid treatment after thoroughly rinse water surface application). Structure surface such as defective, crack, honeycomb pits are hewn, cleaning should trim.
  With clean water concocting (water requirements within and without salt-free harmful component). When mixed usable hand electric drill mount have leaf stir bar or wear rubber glove by hand and float shall be used to stir. 
  混料时要掌握好料、水的比例 , 一次不宜调多 , 要在 30 分钟内用完 , 混合物变稠时要频繁搅动 , 中间不能加水。
  Mixing when must grasp good material, water proportions, once more, unfavorable tuning in 30 minutes after using, mixture thickens slightly to frequent stir, intermediate cannot adding water. 
  刷涂时按体积用 5 份料、 2 份水调和 , 一般刷一层是 0.65 -0.8kg /m 2 。
  When brushing besmear by volume with five copies of the materials, and 2 copies of water to mediate, general brush layer is 0.65-0.8 kg/m 2.
  喷涂时按体积用 5 份料、 3 份水调和 , 一般喷一层是 0.8 -1kg /m 2 。
  Spraying by volume with five copies of the materials, 3 copies water mediate, general spray layer is 0.8-1kg/m 2.
  在养护过程中必须用净水,必须在初凝后使用喷雾式,一定要避免涂层被破坏。一般每天需喷水 3 次,连续 2-3 天 , 在热天或干燥天气要多喷几次,防止涂层过早干燥。
  In the curing process must with water purification, must be in initial setting after use sparge type, must avoid coating destroyed. Generally every day to water-jet 3 times, continuous 2-3 days, on a hot day or dry weather want much gush a few times, prevent premature dry coating.



免责声明:以上展示的"乐视供应商讨债 a型血和b型血生的孩子是什么血型 供应商关系管理"信息由长沙市岳麓区海韵防水材料厂自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责,朵拉利品网对此不承担责任。
