价 格 面议
所 在 地 江苏省 扬州市
发布日期 2019-06-23 10:34:30
Long life: can use
more than 50,000 hours to provide three years of quality assurance. The
downside is that the life of the power supply is not guaranteed.
High luminous
efficiency: the use of ≥ 100LM above the chip, compared to the
traditional high pressure sodium lamp can save more than 75%.
Easy installation:
no need to add the cable without rectifier, etc., will be installed directly on
the pole or the original light source nested light shell.
Excellent heat
control: summer temperature control below 45 degrees, and the use of passive
cooling, summer heat protection.
Reliable quality:
all the use of high-quality circuit components, each LED has a separate
over-current protection, no need to worry about damage.
Light color
uniformity: no lens, not to improve the brightness at the expense of uniform
light color, so as to ensure that no aperture light color uniform.
* 灯具电性能
lamp electrical
LED lights in the
nominal power supply rated voltage and rated frequency, the actual power
consumption and the difference between the rated power should not be greater
than 10%, power factor should not be less than 0.92.
* 防护等级
degree of
LED lights
protection class A grade should not be less than IP67; B grade products should
not be lower than IP66; C grade products should not IP65.
* 平均寿命
Average life expectancy
LED street lamp rated life expectancy should not be
less than 30000h.
LED street lamp
rated maximum temperature Tc value should not be greater than 58 ℃.
* 最大热沉温度
灯具内各个 LED管的最大热沉温度不应大于65℃。
maximum heat sink
Lamps within the
LED tube maximum heat sink temperature should not be greater than 65 ℃.
LED lamp body by
the aluminum alloy high-pressure die-casting molding, should have high purity
aluminum, corrosion resistance, the appearance of simple, smooth lines, solid
structure, the surface spray or paint **-corrosion treatment, smooth and
beautiful. Requires good quality and good adhesion, do not fade, do not fall
LED lamp reflector
with high-purity aluminum compression molding, surface oxidation after plating
silicon dioxide treatment, the surface without obvious scratches, with light
reasonable, high luminous efficiency, low glare optical system.
LED lamp shade
light transmission rate of 90% or more; shade surface without bubbles, obvious
scratches and cracks.
LED lamps and
lanterns, the composition of the internal bubble structure, the internal parts
of the fire retardant materials, exposed fasteners for the stainless steel.
LED insulation
resistance of the lamp is not less than 2MΩ, the internal wiring for the copper
double-layer jacket insulated wire, core cross-sectional area of not less than
1.5mm2, rubber or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) insulated wire insulation thickness
of not less than 0.6mm.
LED lamps for
aluminum products, the surface of polyester spray 5mm tempered glass,
waterproof seals
LED lighting
protection class, sealing performance: electrical cavity IP68;
发光二极管简称为LED是指由含镓(Ga)、砷(As)、磷(P)、氮(N)等的化合物制成的可以把电能转化为光能的半导体二极管的一种。 当电子与空穴复合时能辐射出可见光,因而可以用来制成发光二极管。在电路及仪器中作为指示灯,或者组成文字或数字显示。砷化镓二极管发红光,磷化镓二极管发绿光,碳化硅二极管发黄光,氮化镓二极管发蓝光。因化学性质又分有机发光二极管OLED和无机发光二极管LED。
注册号: | 913210843235945522 |
组织机构代码: | 32359455-2 |
税务登记证号: | - |
法定代表人: | 冯金莹 |
经营状态: | 开业 |
成立日期: | 2015-01-06 |
营业期限: | 2015-01-06 至 2055-01-05 |
年检日期: | 2016-12-05 |
注册资本: | 500万(元) |
企业类型: | 有限责任公司(自然人独资) |
机构类型: | - |
所属行业: | - |
行政区划: | 江苏省扬州市高邮市 |
电话号码: | 159****6220 |
登记机关: | 高邮市市场监督管理局 |
所在地址: | 高邮市送桥镇郭集工业集中区 |
经营范围: | LED产品、太阳能灯、光源电器、电子产品的研发、制造,LED照明器材、灯具、灯杆、太阳能路灯、信号灯、霓虹灯、景观灯、庭院灯、护栏、交通标志杆、标志牌、太阳能电池组件、喷泉、雕塑、电线、电缆、电器控制柜制造、安装、销售,城市及道路照明工程设计、安装。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) |
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- 温度检测仪
- 农用硫磺粉
- 锦鲤汉服
- 80寸电视机
- dtu柜
- 三角台卡
- 自动贴瓷砖机
- 链条锯
- 初效过滤棉
- 全自动红外测温仪
- 台式体温测量仪
- 温度检测仪电路
- 红外线温度检测仪
- 微型温度测试仪
- 环境温度测试仪
- 1300℃测温仪
- 温度计测试仪
- 温度监控仪