1, 镜花水月英文

镜花水月词典flowers in a mirror and the moon"s reflection in water -- a mirage, insubstantial objects词典reflection of a flower in the mirror or of the moon in the water:镜花水月。词典moonlight in the water:镜花水月。词典beautiful but evanescent dreams:镜花水月;水月镜花。
2, 镜花水月的英文是什么?

镜花水月_百度翻译镜花水月 [词典] flowers in a mirror and the moon"s reflection in water -- a mirage, insubstantial objects; reflection of a flower in the mirror or of the moon in the water; moonlight in the water; beautiful but evanescent dreams; [例句]然而,烦躁的都市啊,请不要忘记,这世界本是镜花水月。However, whiny urban, please don"t forget, the world is an illusion.
3, 镜花水月的英文翻译

成语解释【音】jìng huā shuǐ yuè【释】镜里的花,水里的月。原指诗中灵活而不可捉摸的意境,后比喻虚幻的景象。【出】唐·裴休《唐故左街僧录内供奉三教谈论引驾大德安国寺上座赐紫方袍大达法师元秘塔碑铭》:“峥嵘栋梁,一旦而摧。水月镜像,无心去来。”【例】我喜欢那种锤炼,那种色彩的配合,那种~。(何其芳《梦中道路》)================英语翻译:flowers in a mirror; moon in the water; illusion; ================例句:1. Knowing it is nothing else, he loves it better than reality. 他明知道这一切不过是镜花水月,爱它却远远超过喜爱真实。 2. The moment she had grasped him to keep for her own, had disappeared like a shape in a vision. 在她刚一把他提到了手、要使他成为自己所独有的时候,却象镜花水月一样,消灭不见了。 3. You shouldn"t hope to find perfect happiness it"s just a will-o"-the-wisp. 不要指望能找到十全十美的幸福--那只不过是镜花水月.
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