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欧石楠怎么读 moncler怎么读
2020-10-13 09:43:24 来源:朵拉利品网

1, moncler怎么读

原型是thirteenth 英[ˌθɜ:"ti:nθ] 美[θə:ˈtinθ]
adj. 第十三的; 十三分之一的;
n. 第十三; 十三分之一;
1、Twelve of these thou mayest open, and behold the glory which is within them, but the thirteenth, to which this little key belongs, is forbidden thee. Beware of opening it, or thou wilt bring misery on thyself.
2、"I am spinning," said the old woman, who was really the wicked thirteenth fairy," would you like to try?"
3、The glass mountain stands at the corner of Thirteenth Street and Eighth Avenue.
第1 first 1st
第2 second 2nd
第3 third 3rd
第4 fourth 4th
第5 fifth 5th
第6 sixth 6th
第7 seventh 7th
第8 eighth 8th
第9 ninth 9th
第10 tenth 10th

2, 欧石楠什么样

1 Α α alpha a:lf 阿尔法
2 Β β beta bet 贝塔
3 Γ γ gamma ga:m 伽马
4 Δ δ delta delt 德尔塔
5 Ε ε epsilon ep`silon 伊普西龙
6 Ζ ζ zeta zat 截塔
7 Η η eta eit 艾塔
8 Θ θ thet θit 西塔
9 Ι ι iot aiot 约塔
10 Κ κ kappa kap 卡帕
11 ∧ λ lambda lambd 兰布达
12 Μ μ mu mju 缪
13 Ν ν nu nju 纽
14 Ξ ξ xi ksi 克西
15 Ο ο omicron omik`ron 奥密克戎
16 ∏ π pi pai 派
17 Ρ ρ rho rou 肉
18 ∑ σ sigma `sigma 西格马
19 Τ τ tau tau 套
20 Υ υ upsilon jup`silon 宇普西龙
21 Φ φ phi fai 佛爱
22 Χ χ chi phai 西
23 Ψ ψ psi psai 普西
24 Ω ω omega o`miga 欧米伽