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玉镯的英语 一个玉镯子用英语怎么说
2020-05-24 20:12:23 来源:朵拉利品网

1, 一个玉镯子用英语怎么说

手镯是一种套在手腕上的环形饰品。按结构,一般可分为两种:一是封闭形圆环,以玉石材料为多;二是有端口或数个链片,以金属材料居多。按制作材料,可分为金手镯、银手镯、玉手镯、镶宝石手镯等。A bracelet is a ring on the wrist.
According to the structure, generally can be divided into two kinds:
one is the closed ring, the jade material is more; two is a port or a
number of chain pieces, metal materials are.
According to the production of materials, can be divided into gold
bracelets, silver bracelets, jade bracelets, inlaid with precious
stones, etc..
手镯不同于手链,手镯一般是整块的结构,手链的话可以多个小件组合成链状环绕佩戴在手上。Bracelet is different from the bracelet, the bracelet is generally the
whole structure, the bracelet can be multiple combinations of small
pieces into a chain around worn on the hand.

2, 手镯的英文翻译

翡翠精品 Exquisite Jade
翡翠饰品 Jade Accessories
翡翠缘 Jade Luck ...
1. 由此可见中国人对翡翠饰品的情有独钟。
Thus it can be seen Chinese tastes for jadeite decorations have a special liking.
2. 城市被描述为既有豪富-很多人佩戴翡翠饰品-也有赤贫。
The city is depicted as one of both great wealth—with a lot of people wearing jade jewelry—and great poverty.
3. 统计和分析翡翠手镯、观音、佛这3种饰品在网上的价格分布情况。
The price distribution of jadeite jade bracelet, Kwanyin pendant and Buddha pendant are statistically analysed.
4. 我们出口稻草类和柳制品、刺绣品、瓷陶器、翡翠饰品、古董、中国油画、丝花和各种玩具和礼品。
We are now exporting straw and willow products, embroideries, porcelain wares, jade carvings, antiques, Chinese paintings, silk flowers and various kinds of toys and gifts.
5. 然古典并非意味着过去,洋溢着浓厚东方古典文化气息的翡翠饰品,如今依然是东方女性佩饰的宠儿。
Ran classical is not to signify pass , is permeated with the jadeite decorations article of strong eastern classical cultural flavor , is the eastern pet of female baldric now still.
6. 从淘宝网和易趣网上选取部分翡翠卖家,调查一段时间内消费者购买其翡翠饰品的主要品种及价位情况。
The results show that the characteristics of the marketing on internet of jadeite jade jewelry is of rich varieties, low price and low profit of the products.
7. 摘要利用统计分析和抽样调查的方法,对国内两大主要网络销售平台(淘宝网和易趣网)上的天然翡翠饰品的价位及消费情况进行了调查。
The marketing of jadeite jade jewelry from Taobao. com and Ebay. com which are two main domestic sale webs is investigated.



手镯(bracelet; bangle),是用金、银、玉等制的戴在手腕上的环形装饰品。按结构,一般可分为两种:一是封闭形圆环,以玉石材料为多;二是有端口或数个链片,以金属材料居多。按制作材料,可分为金手镯、银手镯、玉手镯、镶宝石手镯等。 手镯不同于手链,手镯一般是整块的结构,手链的话可以多个小件组合成链状环绕佩戴在手上。