1, 用英语写10个禁止标牌

禁止通行!Do not pass!与请勿践踏草坪!Keep off grass!No parking 禁止停车watch out 小心mind your step 小心脚下 No eating 禁止用餐 No fishing 禁止垂钓No swimming 禁止游泳 security check 安检 No climbing 禁止攀爬禁止吸烟 No smoking! 不要随地扔东西 Don"t litter the floor! 如果有什么不会的,可以报个课外线上辅导班。比如 比特e学堂 课前有班主任辅导很不错啊
2, 禁止驶入标志牌怎样用英文表示

禁止驶入释义 1. 禁止驶入: no entry | No Entry | Do Not Enter 2. 禁止驶入标志: no entry sign 3. 禁止驶入/严禁通行: No Entry 例句 1.只达到“欧1”甚至还不及这一最低标准的汽车将被禁止驶入中心城区。Will only achieve Europe 1 even also to be inferior to this lowest standard the automobile to forbid to drive the central city. 2.除紧急车辆及该处居民用以出入的车辆外,机动车辆一律禁止驶入上述路段。All motor vehicles will be prohibited from entering the above section of road, except emergency vehicles and those for access by local residents. 3.这些标签将与车辆被允许进入的特定区域相符合,所有非绿标车辆将被禁止驶入市中心。These labels will correspond with specific areas that vehicles are allowed to enter, and all non-green vehicles will be banned from driving through the city center.
3, 禁止停车标志牌的英文句子

禁止停车NO PARKING 禁止停车 No parking,restricted stop,Parking prohibition昼夜禁止停车 NO PARKING DAY OR NIGHT,No parking day and night禁止停车线 Parking Restrictions,No parking marking我在烟台莱山呆了四年,大四下学期签了青岛三利,13年5月份去报到,去了之后申请一个星期,这一个星期我在周边问过很多不同行业的附近的人,都说企业不错,但是管理人有问题,总体感觉不适应这里的员工环境,一个星期后我就要求辞职,扣了大约2600块钱(从5000的押金中扣除),说真的,扣钱处人员爆满...

禁止使用的英文:Prohibition of useforbiddenDon"t be disabled.ban.例句:The server is currently disabled.服务器当前已禁用。The group may not be disabled.组可能未被禁用。Tourist class passengers are prohibited from using the first-class lounge.经济舱乘客禁用头等舱休息室。Logon failure: account currently disabled.登录失败:禁用当前的帐户。The last remaining administration account cannot be disabled or deleted.无法禁用或删除最后剩余的系统管理帐户。The Football Association is likely to call for a ban on alcohol at football games.足协可能会要求足球比赛禁用酒类。The WMI data block or event notification has already been disabled.WMI数据块或事件通知已禁用。She was explicitly forbidden to attend. 清楚表明不准她参加。Sumptuous feasts are generally forbidden.丰盛酒席普遍地被禁止。Forbidden fruit is sweet. 被禁止采摘的果子是甜美的。Banning the screwdriver is not the answer.禁止使用螺丝刀并非解决问题的方法。
disabled是一个英语单词,意思是残废的,有缺陷的, 丧失能力的。