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您的位置: 朵拉利品网 >  知识中心 > 名师点拨培优密卷答案 四年级下册英语培优密卷答案
名师点拨培优密卷答案 四年级下册英语培优密卷答案
2020-05-12 10:19:51 来源:朵拉利品网

1, 四年级下册英语培优密卷答案

Ⅰ.1. upset 2. personal 3. famous 4. surprised 5. Experience 6. original 7.nervous 8. chance 9. decision 10. impossible
Ⅱ.11. are 12. them13. happily 14.beautiful 15. slowly 16. exciting 17. millions 18. water 19. to work 20. playing
Ⅲ. 21.liked 22. want 23. were, doing 24. will be 25. does 26. sleeps
27. was buying 28. is 29.goes 30. didn"t want
Ⅳ.31.C 32.A 33.D 34.C 35.B 36.B 37.A 38. D 39.A 40.B
41.C 42. A 43.A 44.A 45. A
Ⅴ.46. if works 47. so that can"t 48. didn"t until 49. was mending 50. we would have
Ⅵ.51.E 52.G 53.F 54.A 55.B
Ⅶ.56. D 57.C 58.A 59.D60.C 61.B 62.A 63.C 64.B 65.A
Ⅷ.66.F 67.T 68.T 69.F 70.T

2, 五年级下册名师点拨答案

1.④ ③ ① ②
2. 1) A 2) B 3) A 4) A
3. 1) ai 2_ ou 3) ea 4) ar
4. 1) China 2) Where does Sarah come from 3) comes from Australia
4) Where does the rain come from It comes from
2. rain Where comes vapour water How sun
1. Rain rain come dropping dropping dropping
2. sun cloud drink wash river sea wate
3. sunny sleeps hot sky Mr Wind drops cloud heavy fall down sun warm
1. seed flower water sprout plant
2. 1) soil 2) sun 3) water 4) sprout 5) flower
3. 1)→6)→4)→5)→7)
5 1. 1) A 2) B 3) B 4) A
2. B A D F E
1. 1) * 2) * 3) * 4) * 5) √
2. 1) He"s in the garden. 2) He looks for some water. 3) He is very thirsty.
4) Yes, he does. 5) It comes from a young girl.




