1, "domination"是什么意思

domination[英][ˌdɒmɪ"neɪʃn][美][ˌdɑməˈneʃən]n.控制,统治; 1.VERB在…中占首要地位,在…中最具影响力To dominate a situation means to be the most powerful or important person or thing in it.语法信息The book is expected to dominate the best-seller lists...这本书预计会占据畅销书排行榜的榜首。domination...the domination of the market by a small number of organizations.少数机构对市场的垄断2.VERB控制;统治;支配If one country or person dominates another, they have power over them.语法信息He denied that his country wants to dominate Europe...他否认他的国家想要控制欧洲。dominationThey had five centuries of domination by the Romans.他们被罗马人统治了 5 个世纪。3.VERB俯视;高耸于If a building, mountain, or other object dominates an area, it is so large or impressive that you cannot avoid seeing it.语法信息It"s one of the biggest buildings in this area, and it really dominates this whole place.这是该地区最大的建筑物之一,雄踞在整个地区之上。
2, female domination是什么意思

female domination女性主导,女性统治双语例句1On the Female Domination Theme in Lawrence Works 劳伦斯作品中的女性统治主copy题2Even so, male students have to deal with female domination at least throughout campus life. 即使如此,至少在大学期间,男生们也必须解决校园生活中以zhidao女性为主导的这一状况。
在最近这几年,回合制策略游戏可谓是越来越低迷了,相信一双手就可以数得过来。尽管在电脑上还是出现了像《寂静风暴》这种表现小队秘密作战的优秀作品,但相比之下,表现大军团作战攻城略地的游戏好像就只有《文明III》或是《斯巴达人》能算是值得研究一下的。不过,市场环境差并不等于没人做,这不,在03年推出第一款游戏的《Massive Assault》系列在本年度又准备再出一套加强版了,这便是本文要说的《Massive Assault:Domination》。