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MP4 Player Important Note About Product Information:Elsaco attempts to be as accurate as possible in our content and pricing; however, we cannot guarantee that product descriptions/specifications, pricing or any other content on the site is accurate, complete, or current. In the event that a product is listed at an incorrect price due to typographical, informational, technical or other error, Elsaco shall have the right to refuse or cancel any order for that product. In addition, links to product reviews are intended to provide visitors with additional information and professional opinion. However, due to the industry"s fast pace, reviews can become outdated and should not be considered a substitute for doing one"s own research. Questions/Concerns:For all questions and concerns please visit Customer Service, where you can find "Fast Answers!" and other helpful resources.
2, 最新高科技产品英文介绍

The input voltage is 240V sensitive (sensitive electronic components of light) is less than or equal to 7LUX输出功率 5WOutput power 5W感应距离 5米Induction distance 5 meters感应角度 360度Induction angle 360 degree
Sensitive,英文单词,形容词,作形容词时意为“敏感的;[仪] 灵敏的;感光的;易受伤害的”。
Induction是一个开源的、高性能的Java MVCWeb开发框架,使用Induction的目的是为了实现以简化方式构建复杂的、高性能的、易于维护的Java Web应用。
360(全称:北京奇虎科技有限公司)是中国一家主营安全相关的互联网公司,由周鸿祎于2005年9月成立,总部位于北京。 该公司于2011年在纽约证券交易所上市,旗下的产品有360安全卫士、360杀毒、360搜索、360安全浏览器等。