those是什么意思中文翻译 those什么意思中文翻译
2020-03-04 03:25:43
1, those什么意思中文翻译

those[英][ðəʊz][美][ðoʊz]adj.& pron.that的复数; adj.那些的,那; n.那,那个( that的名词复数); (指较远的人或事物)那; (指已提到过或已知的人或事物)那; (特指)那; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Humanitarian agencies have helped those in need. 人道主义机构也在帮助那些有需要的人
2, 英语翻译those是什么意思

【读音】:英 [ðəʊz] 美 [ðoz] 【解释】:1. adj. (形容词)那些的2. pron. (代词)那些(that的复数)【造句】:1. She ganged up on me with those rough boys. 翻译:她伙同那些粗野的男孩对付我。2. I transplanted those flowers to the garden. 翻译:我把那些花移植到花园里。3. Those children have finished off the fruit. 翻译:那些孩子们把水果都吃光了。4. He dotted down those notes. 翻译:他匆匆记下了那些注解。5. Those pencils are mine. 翻译:那些铅笔是我的。6. Those plants you gave me are flourishing. 翻译:你给我的那些植物长得茂盛。7. They were reillusioned with the good intentions of those politicians. 翻译:他们对那些政客的好心再次存有幻想。8. He riveted those steel plates together. 翻译:他把那些钢板铆接在一起。9. Those rooms have been assigned to us. 翻译:那些房间已经分配给我们。10. Brace those sagging shelves with more crosspieces. 翻译:多用横档加固那些下陷的架子。11. He managed to throw off those newspaper reporters. 翻译:他设法摆脱了那些新闻记者。12. Those children want to be level with adults. 翻译:那些孩子要与大人们平起平坐。13. The article may be epitomized by mentioning only those main points. 翻译:只要提一下那些要点即可概括那篇文章。14. Yon can only humbug those who are not aware of your tricks. 翻译:你只能欺骗还不清楚你的伎俩的那些人。15. We made a loss on those shoes. 翻译:销售那些鞋子使我们折了本。
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