1, harmonic是什么意思?

harmonic 英[hɑ:ˈmɒnɪk]美[hɑ:rˈmɑ:nɪk]adj. [乐] 和声的,悦耳的; [物] 谐波的; 和睦的,融洽的; [数] 调和的;n. [物] 谐波; [乐] 泛音,和声; [数] 谐函数,调和函数;[例句]Music is most likely to tingle the spine, in short, when it includes surprises in volume, timbre and harmonic pattern.简而言之,当音乐的音量、音色或和声发生出人意料的变化时,最有可能令人脊柱发麻。
2, harmonic是什么品牌

harmonic [hɑːˈmɒnɪk] adjective (Music)of, relating to, or characterized by musical harmony (与)和声(有关)的 a basic four-chord harmonic sequence. 基本四声部和声曲。 ■(Music)relating to or denoting a harmonic or harmonics (乐)(与)和声(学)(有关)的 (Mathematics)of or relating to a harmonic series or progression (数)(有关)调和级数(或数列)的 ■(Physics)of or relating to component frequencies of a complex oscillation or wave (物)谐波,谐振 (Astrology)using or produced by the application of a harmonic (占星)数律分析法的 harmonic charts. 数律分析图。 noun (Music)an overtone accompanying a fundamental tone at a fixed interval, produced by vibration of a string, column of air, etc. in an exact fraction of its length (乐)泛音 ■a note produced on a musical instrument as an overtone, e.g. by lightly touching a string while sounding it 和声 (Physics)a component frequency of an oscillation or wave (物)谐波 ■(Astrology)a division of the zodiacal circle by a specified number, used in the interpretation of a birth chart (占星)数律分析法 harmonical [hɑ:ˈmɔnikəl] adj. 调和的,音乐般的 爱词霸网络百科 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------harmonical 合谐的;调和的