ecosystem service定义 context service是什么意思
2019-11-02 06:37:58
1, context service是什么意思

context service上下文服务;情境服务例句筛选1.The sales context service knows the business-level semantic definition ofOrganization_Sales (the business information metadata).销售上下文服务知道Organization_Sales的业务级语义定义(业务信息元数据)。2.The explicit service context is represented as additional parameters appendedto the service method calls.显式服务上下文的表现形式是作为追加于服务方法调用的附加参数。
4, dataservice是什么意思?

data service翻译:数据业务双语例句:1. The following requirements apply when defining service operations on the data service. 在数据服务中定义服务操作需满足下列要求.2. ISDN is the only mass - deployed, high - speed data service available today.ISDN是今天能获得的唯一大量部署的高速数据业务.3. Performs late - bound operations on resource sets with a custom data service provider. 使用自定义数据服务提供程序对资源集执行后期绑定操作.4. The Data Service is realized by database administration system. 数据服务层是由数据库管理系统来实现.5. People expect mobile coverage and impeccable wireless data service everywhere. 人们期待在任何地方都有移动覆盖和毫无瑕疵的无线数据服务.