1, 求饭店check in 的英语对话20句以上

Benjamin: Hi, Todd. Long time no see.Todd: Hi. Nice to see you here. Oh, this is my wife Lena. Lena, this is Benjamin.Lena: Nice to see you.Benjamin: Nice to see you too. I"ve made a reservation for you guys. Wanna go and have a look?Todd: Sure, you are the boss.Waitress: Good afternoon. Can I help you, sir?Benjamin: Well, I made a reservation last week for this American couple by the name of Benjamin. Here you are.Waitress: A minute, please. Benjamin… Oh, yes, here it is. One double-room for a whole week, here is the registration card. Will you please fill this form out, sir?Todd: Love to Done. Here you are.Waitress: Thank you. Now everything is in order. Your room number is 8715.Todd: Is it on the 87th floor? Wow?Waitress: No, sir. In China, 8 is only a lucky number. It"s on the 7th floor.Todd: Thank you. By the way, is there a dressing table in the room?Waitress: Yes. A traditional wooden one.听看学 本杰明:嗨,托德,好久不见了。托德:嗨。见到你真高兴。哦,对了,这是我的妻子蕾娜。蕾娜,这是本杰明。蕾娜:我也很高兴见到你。本杰明:我已经为你们预定好了一个房间了。现在想去看一下吗?托德:当然可以,听你的。服务生:下午好。有什么能为您效劳的吗?本杰明:上周我用本杰明这个名字为这对美国夫妇预定了一个房间。现在他们来了。服务生:请稍等。本杰明……哦,是的,这儿呢。一个双人间预定一周。这是登记卡。能麻烦您填一下吗?托德:非常乐意。填完了。给你。服务生:谢谢。全都处理好了。你们的房间号是8715。托德:房间在87层吗?哇噻!服务生:不,先生。在中国8只是一个幸运数字。房间在第七层。托德:谢谢你。顺便问一下,房间里有梳妆台吗?服务生:有的。是一个传统的木质梳妆台。希望对楼主有所帮助
2, check valve是用在什么地方

check valvena.【机】止回阀单向阀;逆止阀;止逆阀例句1.A double check valve assembly shall be installed at each noted location.双止回阀总成应该安装在每个指定的位置。2.and a pilot operated check valve is linked with a valve block on the oil cylinder.液控单向阀与油缸上的阀块相联接。3.DUAL CHECK VALVE BACKFLOW PREVENTER For low hazard cross- connections . Continuous pressure applications .双止回防回流阀用于低危险交叉连接。持续压力应用场合。4.dual way check valve for the "outstanding new products in Shanxi Province. "双路止回阀为“山西省优秀新产品”。5.The debris is prevented from flowing back out of the bailer by a check valve.利用一个止回阀防止碎片从捞砂筒中流出。
3, double tap是什么意思

1、这是个电影名,有不同翻译方法:枪王 双发快射 亡命女特务 2、双击double tap[英][ˈdʌbl tæp][美][ˈdʌbəl tæp]1Now, whenever the “ double tap ” event is recognized, the xscreensaver program will activate with whatever settings you have specified.现在,每次识别出有“双击”事件发生时,xscreensaver程序都会使用所指定的内容来激活。2Place the location of any shell script you like in the command area, and use a double tap to check your e-mail.在命令区中可以放上我们喜欢使用的任何shell脚本,这样就可以使用双击来查看e-mail。3If you plan on testing a new X config file on the plane, update the double tap entry to restart your good X server.如果计划在一个基础上测试新的X配置文件,可以将双击条目更改为重新启动配置好的X服务器。
"CASE"─美国刀具质量的代名词 。累积120年的经验"Case"的名字在刀具业当中是一令人尊重的质量精神象征,1889年开始一个名为"W.R.Case&Son Cutlery Company"在纽约州北部开启了美国刀具业的传奇历史。