1, “homemade”是什么意思?

homemade的中文翻译是自家制的。homemade英 ["həʊm"meɪd] 美 [ˈhomˈmed] adj.(衣服、食品等)自家制的1、I use a special dressing and homemade catsup. 我用了一种特殊的调料和自制的番茄酱。2、Have you had our homemade ice-cream? 你吃了我们自制的冰淇淋吗?3、I like this homemade lemonade, it"s real good! 我喜欢这自制的柠檬水,味儿真纯!4、We have homemade apple pies. 我们有自制的苹果饼。5、A good illustration of this aversion is homemade oil-and-vinegarsalad dressing. 家制的油醋沙拉调料就是一个好例子。
2, homemade video是什么意思

homemade video clip 家庭短片双语例句Nvidia though, says that what"s driving demand online is homemade 3D video andpictures. 但英伟达公司表示,家庭自制的3D视频和图像正在促进人们对3D网页的需求。*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************
4, homemade food是什么意思

homemade food自制的食物双语对照例句:1."The idea is to deliver elegant homemade food in a restaurant," he said.2.Greeks are not homemade food only because they are not from Africa, like the mosquitoes.
5, homegrown和homemade的区别

区别是:homegrown(蔬菜等)本地出产[种植];(蔬菜等)自己园子里种植的;本国制造[出产]。homemade 指的是(衣服、食品等)自家制的。例句辨析:homegrown1、China"s slowdown has so far been homegrown. 到目前为止,中国经济的放缓主要源于国内因素。2、The massive Chinese market seems to have enough room for Uber and its homegrown rivals for now. 目前看来,中国市场的庞大,让Uber有充足的空间和中国的竞争对手群雄逐鹿。3、Chinese buyers tend to like alternative investments, from art to jade to homegrown liquors& and now stamps. 中国的买家往往青睐另类投资品,以前是玉石和国产白酒,现在则是邮票。4、However, your company might use a homegrown system that isn"t connected to any software development system. 但是,您的公司可能会使用一个自己的系统,该系统没有与任何软件开发系统相联系。homemade 1、She had homemade ice cream for dessert.她用自制的冰激凌作饭后甜点。2、A homemade dark room is very convenient. 家庭式的暗房特别方便。3、I use a special dressing and homemade catsup. 我用了一种特殊的调料和自制的番茄酱。4、Have you had our homemade ice-cream? 你吃了我们自制的冰淇淋吗?